Wednesday, April 10, 2013

5 Marketing Tips for New College Grads

As new grads you almost by definition are lacking years of work experience – and since a resume is so heavily focused on just that, how do you show your whole self to employers?\
Employers want to hire and invest in someone with the right skill set and attitude. Jobs you’ve had to this point might or might not be what you want to do with your life – but you probably excelled in a group, or class, or activity you were passionate about. As a new grad you will need to pull from all of your life experiences and show employers your potential.

Showcase your passions – whatever they may be.

Employers want to know that you have that spark in you to see that you can bring that passion to work. Discuss your soft skills in terms of any activity you really excelled at and/or showed leadership in. Describe your transferable skills in a way that would be helpful in a professional atmosphere. Make that recruiter excited about you!


Networking is a big buzzword and an intimating prospect in some respects. To network really means to speak with strangers and move out of your comfort zone. Networking takes multiple forms from cold calling/emailing, to attending big events, to following and responding to the work of thought leaders, and more. Meeting new people opens doors in ways you could never imagine.
I’ve had plenty of instances where I met someone without a specific purpose but they turned around and made a great introduction or offered insight into what I was doing. I always go to as many events as I can and speak to whoever will speak with me. I’m always learning and expanding my “network” and you never know who can help you or offer that crucial warm introduction and vouch for you.

Be articulate.

Our generation gets a bad reputation for not being good writers and communicators. While your future job might not include a lot of writing – being able to succinctly say what you mean, write without typos or grammatical errors, and use the proper tone is essential anywhere.
Proofread all of your emails, stop and think about what you want to accomplish when you reach out to people, and be aware of how you communicate with others. Being articulate shows a great deal about your character and give a professional appearance.

Have a portfolio.

Many employers look for past work or achievements when they go to hire. The type of portfoliothat is appropriate for you depends on what your academic and career interests are.
Many computer science students use GitHub to share their code and past projects, Art students may use BehanceCarbonmade, or another type of portfolio to share their past works, and English/Communications students may use blogs. A well-crafted portfolio is a great way to show what you’ve done and to stand apart.

Have a [positive] web presence.

Web presence is a loaded term.  On one hand, you want to protect your personal profile on sites like Facebook and Instagram while sharing those pieces of you that you want employers to see and can help your job search.
I founded a company that is building CareerApp as the “Common App for jobs” that allows you to create a robust profile and really showcase yourself to employers. You can share your profile with employers and apply to jobs with one click to help your job application process.
Make sure that you’re more than a piece of paper to an employer and show your full, dynamic, well-rounded self in a polished and professional way.

Todays’ guest post comes from Phoebe Farber. Phoebe is a Senior at Northeastern University in Boston and the Founder & CEO of Prospective Plus, which has built – the Common App for Jobs. Connect with Phoebe via @PhoebeFarber@CareerApp, or phoebe @ careerapp .me.

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